Physical Therapy in the Emergency Department

Physical Therapy in the Emergency Department

Rebekah Griffith is a physical therapist practicing in the Emergency Department and committed to making PT in the ED well-known and well-practiced. She started the ED PT which includes continuing education, consulting, and provided course content for DPT programs....
Physical Therapy in Concussion Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy in Concussion Rehabilitation

Becky Bliss is a practicing physical therapist for 21 years and is now an educator to others on concussion rehabilitation. She is part of the task force for APTA Concussion SIG and ANPT Concussion CPG KT workgroup. She also owns her own CEU company specific to...
Dance Medicine Physical Therapist

Dance Medicine Physical Therapist

Alyssa Arms is a colorado-based physical therapist who specializes in treating dancers and other performing artists. She owns her own company, Back in Step Physical Therapy, treating the performer and dance athlete. She also teaches at the University of Colorado...
esport physical therapist

esport physical therapist

Caitlin McGee is a physical therapist and performance and esports Medicine Director of 1HP a company that provides health and performance services to esport players, teams, and organizations. Episode Takeaways Clear definition of esport medicine Why it can benefit...