How is job satisfaction impacted by high productivity requirements?
What is the relationship between productivity standards and unethical practices?
Does productivity advance the physical therapy profession?
What does high productivity do to the physical therapist/assistant?


Justin Berry is the director of the Northland Community and Technical College PTA program in Minnesota. He is a researcher on many relevant PT topics including student loan debt, job burnout, job satisfaction, and productivity.

Justin Tammany is an assistant professor at Hardin-Simmons University and the author of a highly shared research article on the effects of productivity standards in physical therapy practice.

Social Media

Justin B Twitter: @JWBerry11

Justin T Twitter/IG: @jtammany 

Justin T – Article: “Are Productivity Goals in Rehabilitation Practice Associated with Unethical Behaviors?” 

Justin B – Article “Job Satisfaction and Productivity Requirements Among Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants” 

Episode Takeaways

  • Physical therapists beliefs in unethical behavior in physical therapy practice
  • According to Justin Tammany’s article, as high as 90% of PT or PTA have observed some sort of ethical behavior
  • According to Justin Barry’s article, those with a productivity standard had lower job satisfaction
  • Job satisfaction of physical therapist and physical therapist assistants compared to productivity requirements
  • Future research – how can we put this into action?

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