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225 – What’s APPening?! –

Name of the app:
PT Live
Who makes it:
Rob Vining
What is their website / where can you find more info about it:
What does the app DO:
If you own a clinic – They staff your website 24/7 with on-demand, professional PTs to field basic therapy questions and concerns to offer new patients the opportunity to schedule an eval without ever leaving YOUR website. They do it by one of those little chat windows in the bottom right hand corner of your screen, when you go to a website, You know the ones that pop up and say something like “Need any assistance with whatever?” Well this one isn’t a chat bot or someone sitting in a call center in a foreign country, this one is a licensed PT. Whose goal is to see if that person on YOUR website would benefit from an eval with YOU. See where this is going?
If you are a PT – offers on-demand to full-time flexibility and higher earning potential that any other job in the physical therapy field. They let YOU be that PT on the other end of that chat box, whenever you’re free. You answer a few min worth of initial questions to see if PT would benefit the person on the other end, and if they do, you give them a link to schedule an eval… no paperwork, just your clinical decision making that may, or may not lead to an eval.
What platform does it run on?
Web Based
What does it cost:
For PTs, they start by being paid $10 for each scheduled evaluation If they refer a PT, they earn another $1 per chat with a max of $20 for each scheduled evaluation If they refer a PT Clinic who signs up, they earn another $5 per chat, still at a max of $20 for each scheduled evaluation The referral system allows everyone to get to that $20/scheduled chat pretty easy where helping patients via PTlive.
For PT Clinics, we start at $39 each month and $34 for each successfully scheduled chat PT clinics can pay annually for $390 (2 months free) and $24 for each successfully scheduled chat (effectively, if a clinic paid annually and the owner ran the chat and was earning the $20/scheduled eval, effectively the cost is $4.00 per eval.
Does it make your life easier as a PT:
 Yeah…. if you’re a clinic that wouldn’t mind a few extra evals without having to spend a ton of time sitting on your website, then yes. Who wouldn’t want to turn visitors into patients? If you’re a PT, and wouldn’t mind turning your free time sitting on the couch into some extra cash, why not?
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